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Just like sales capacity, the debate on whether Leadership is a trainable skill is a never-ending debate. But here are the facts that actually matter when it comes down to success in business:

1) Company Culture:

“if you get the culture right, most of the other stuff will just take care of itself” Tony Hsieh, founder, and CEO of Zappos. “A clear, sustained culture is stronger than any as a factor in continued success”, Built to Last, Collins and Porras Organizational culture more important than strategy, Without culture, everything else cannot work. Strategy will only succeed if it is supported by the appropriate cultural attributes,Torben Rick A toxic culture in an organization creates an environment that can damage the emotional, physical or financial wellbeing of employees, customers and those associated with the organization

Image by Austin Distel

2) Leadership :

The only thing of real importance that leaders do is CREATE AND MANAGE CULTURE, Schein. As such the culture is known as the shadow of the Leadership team. Irrespective of experience and qualifying diplomas, every single leader or leadership team should have access to an ongoing training, coaching or upskilling mechanism to prevent turning what should be the most valuable asset to any business into the most inevitable lyability. Get yourself and / or your leadership team skilled up and get the culture you need with our generic leadership training programs or get yourself a taylor made one…but don’t stay without.

Image by Jehyun Sung
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